Sugar Diabetes-Not So Sweet
Thought must be given to these statistics now - if you don’t want to become a statistic in the research. Do you know mature onset diabetes (II) symptoms can be eliminated in your life? Research tells us diabetes comes from a diet of highly processed, chromium-impoverished foods. All junk foods are impoverished processed foods of any sort-canned, boxed, or packaged generally laden with sugar, salt and preservatives.

Sometimes it’s a shortage of the trace mineral chromium. Insulin needs tiny amounts of chromium to be able to escort glucose through cells walls. All sorts of foods and plants have a reputation for helping to prevent and control diabetes. Why is it then we are suffering so much pain and disease in the wealthiest nation in the world? I think it is because, “Too much of a good thing is bad for you.” as my mother used to say. How right she was.
The biggest culprit of diabetes is the high fat, high sugar and low fiber diet. Simple. Yet, it seems we Americans “want it all and want it now.” Too much of a good thing that is. I’m not advocating we entirely stop eating fats, sugar or even cake, I’m advocating we use our heads as well as our mouths when we eat. As simple as that sounds it’s not so easy to do as many have told me. That’s why we have to play the game “Fool Me” with the brain.
Nutritionists know a high fiber diet will help in warding off weight as well as diabetes. So how do we play the game? Like this for example. Outstanding fiber foods are almonds, apples, blackberries, broccoli, corn, fresh peas, kidney beans, plums, potatoes, prunes, raisins, spinach, sweet potatoes and wholegrain breads and zucchini.
Ok, are you ready for dessert? Let’s say you really like apple pie. So instead of buying the sugar preservative laden commercial pie or bake a sugar laden homemade pie we can instead... (to be continued next week). There are many expert theories on the cause and cure of diabetes thus further professional counsel is advised.
You can get your own personal health assessment here for free!
To discover the riches of GOD’S PLAN in nature and the garden is a great treasure, for one will find it is still man’s greatest apothecary.
Catherine Sinclair, PhD., ND.
Naturopathic Counselor and Live Food Advocate
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