Protect Your Memory with Three Miraculous Garden Herbs
Part Three - Turmeric

Curcumin is prepared from the turmeric root. It’s been observed in persons suffering from Alzheimer’s disease that white blood cells are impaired when seeking to destroy the toxic accumulation of beta amyloid plaque. Researchers also found that curcumin may give a boost to the white blood cells so they can continue to do their mission and eat away at the toxic build up that’s linked with Alzheimer’s.
Since Indian research shows that even a teaspoon of turmeric has medicinal value, curcumin is used extensively in India. It makes sense to enjoy turmeric as the Indians do. They use turmeric in nearly all their prepared dishes and it has proven good results. India has lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease than anywhere else in the world. Many anti- Alzheimer’s patent medicines are deliberately designed and being formulated to reduce amyloid beta levels and potentially reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms.
Curcumin has been found to be well tolerated at levels ranging from 2000 to 8000 mg a day for three months with no adverse effects. I find the easiest way to add turmeric to my diet is to buy a good quality powdered herb and add it to my favorite seasonings such as Dash or other salt alternative seasoning. Turmeric in small amounts has no strong flavor and can be easily disguised.
Turmeric does taste bitter when used in large amounts so, I sprinkle a small but generous amount on my breakfast eggs. Or you can take turmeric in capsule form. Using turmeric is not only beneficial in aiding Alzheimer’s disease but as a medicinal drink may aid digestion, protect stomach lining to ward off ulcers, relieve arthritis, treat dysentery, protect the liver, combat heart disease, and prevent certain cancers according to Drs. Bernie Olin, editor of The Lawrence Review of Natural Products and Alan R. Gaby, M.D. a Baltimore physician, president of the American Holistic Medical Association, who practices nutritional and natural medicine.
Use one teaspoon of turmeric powder per cup of warm milk. Drink up to three cups a day. Unusually large amounts of turmeric may cause stomach upset. If the drink doesn’t agree with you discontinue use. Remember it is important to test all herbs to see that it is fresh and alive with life giving energy. To test I use what I call the “Live Food Indicator.” More info about the” Live Food Indicator” can be found on
Don’t forget! These three memory enhancing herbs; sage, rosemary and turmeric are sure to spice up your life and you will soon discover you will no longer wonder where those blasted keys are! If you’d like to use the three miracle herbs: sage, rosemary and turmeric in addition to standard therapies it is wise to discuss it with your chosen health practitioner.
Alzheimer’s disease, ulcers, arthritis, liver disease, heart disease and cancer all require further professional counsel. Check out 90 Day Challenge for FREE. Get your own personal health assessement by clicking on the picture. :)
Catherine Sinclair, PhD., N.D.
Naturopathic Counselor and Live Food Advocate
*Please note the purpose of this column is to offer the simplest effective natural means to wellness and present the latest health and nutrition information based on extensive research and experience. It is for educational informational purposes only and is not given or intended as medical advice.
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