Food Bombs Are They Blowing You Up?

If we ate apples just as they come from the tree (store?) we could eat an awful lot of apples and not get blown up like we do when we eat baked or canned apples doused with sugar and cinnamon.
Another American disaster in the making is the potato. Research tells us one could live on potatoes alone and remain in good health. I often wondered about that episode in Little House on the Prairie when things got so bad one winter the supply train was unable to get through and all that winter they survived only on potatoes. Well it is true. One can live only on potatoes a very long time and remain healthy. But not when it is turned into a food bomb.
One 8 oz. potato by itself contains about 140 calories. But when we build our bomb by adding sour cream and butter calories increase to 420. Turned into hashbrowns to 520 calories. French fries- 530. Potato chips-1,200 and “Pringles” has a really big bang at 1,360 calories.
There are all sorts of different bombs we can make to blow up ourselves. Fresh salads by themselves are great until we assemble our bomb with heavy oily dressings. Most of our fruit is already made into bombs for us in canned juices, pies, or heavy syrup. And sometimes we can build a bomb that will blast us with triple calories by adding rich sauces to our vegetables.
How are we to defuse such explosive bombs? One simple defusing method is to remember appetites and tastes are cultivated not inbred. Begin to neutralize your food bombs by eating more fresh foods in their God given state. Eat the apple right from the tree (store?). Indulge in their sweetness. Eating any amount of cooked or raw apples will never make your waist line expand. It’s the same with all fruits, greens, root crops, vegetables, seeds, beans, yams, peas, or lentils.
Obesity is a grave disease. If you do nothing to control your expanding waist line you will soon be in the grave. So deactivate your potato bomb and try this natural potato recipe on for size.
Bake a large potato at 350 degrees about an hour. Cut a criss-cross on top, squish open, sprinkle with fresh herb seasonings (garlic, onion, parsley, chives, salt) a teeny bit of olive oil, heated vegetable stock and sprinkle with crushed olives. Tastes great and has added side benefits for those suffering sluggish digestion or indigestion because the potato, onion and vegetable stock are alkalinizers.
As with all serious health problems it is always advisable to seek further professional counsel to get the full benefit of optimal health.
To discover the riches of GOD’S PLAN in nature and the garden is a great treasure, for one will find it is still man’s greatest apothecary.
Catherine Sinclair, PhD, N.D, NDM
Minister of Healing, Naturopathic Counselor and Live Food Advocate
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*Please note the purpose of this column is to offer the most simple, effective natural means to wellness and present the latest health and nutrition information based on extensive research and experience. It is for educational informational purposes only and is not given or intended as medical advice.
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