Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sugar Diabetes-Not So Sweet (Part 2) - Catherine Has More Health Info

Sugar Diabetes-Not So Sweet 
(Part 2)

Last week we talked about how not to become one of the diabetic research statistics. Remember we were discussing how to fool the brain into thinking we had a piece of apple pie.  In place of the sugar laden homemade apple pie (sorry Mom) instead bake apples (real apples fresh from the market) that are cored, with a little butter (real) in the center, sprinkle with honey (raw) and cinnamon.  

A pinch of mace really makes the apples taste yummy. Bake at 350 degrees until soft. Then sprinkle or serve with whole or chopped almonds! The baked apples give the same apple taste, honey the taste of sweetness and the almonds fool the brain into thinking it is a crunchy crust. How sweet.

What you will have done is satisfied your “sweet tooth” and your body cells rejoice at the same time. You will have given yourself a dessert high in fiber, and the essential trace amounts of chromium found in the butter, honey, and the nuts. You have no preservatives, no bad fats from a crust, no sugar, no harmful side effects. 

Even better “apple pie” would be to place thinly sliced apples on a plate, speckle with honey, sprinkle with lemon juice (from the lemon not the bottle), shake on some cinnamon and lastly dust with ground nuts.  Mmmm  good. These are wholesome treats even for the diabetic which can tolerate apples very well for several reasons:

  • One they are loaded with fiber (a trooper against the low fiber diet).   
  • Two, a significant amount of apple sugar is fructose which requires less insulin than glucose in order to be metabolized and produce energy.   
  • And thirdly, apples contain pectin which acts to regulate the release of sugars, allowing them into the blood stream slowly, progressively and naturally. 

Diabetes can be controlled naturally by as much of what you don’t eat as much as by what you eat.
 Don’t be fooled, diabetes symptoms can and will disappear when the body is treated according to GOD’S PLAN. Your life can be sweet again. 

So pass the “apple pie” please.There are many expert theories on the cause and cure of diabetes thus further professional counsel is advised.

To discover the riches of GOD’S PLAN in nature and the garden is a great treasure, for one will find it is still man’s greatest apothecary.

Catherine Sinclair, PhD, ND.

Naturopathic Counselor and Live Food Advocate 
*Please note the purpose of this column is to offer the most simple, effective natural means to wellness and present the latest health and nutrition information based on extensive research and experience. It is for educational informational purposes only and is not given or intended as medical advice.

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