Urinary Tract Infection
Also indexed as: Bladder Infection, Cystitis, Honeymoon Cystitis, UTI
Urgency? Frequency? Could be a UTI. Triggered
by bacteria, UTI, or urinary tract infection, can occur in the kidneys,
bladder, or urethra. According to research or other evidence, the
following self-care steps may be helpful.
- Check out cranberryTo treat and to prevent recurrences, drink 4 to 10 ounces (114 to 296 ml) of cranberry juice a day or take 400 mg of powdered cranberry concentrate twice a day
- Try an enzyme preparationTo enhance antibiotic effectiveness, take 400 mg a day of proteolytic enzymes, such as bromelain and trypsin
- Aim for a strong immune system with a multivitaminTake one a day to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies and to better resist infections
- If you have a UTI, see a healthcare provider Existing infections may require treatment with antibiotics
For more detailed information and references please see... www.catherinehealth.info
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