Cherries Helpful in Relieving Gout Symptoms

“Consuming half a pound of live fresh cherries per day has been shown to be very effective in lowering uric acid levels and preventing attacks of gout.” Dr. Catherine Sinclair, ND
live food diet - cherries
Consuming a half a pound of live cherries help relieve gout symptoms.

Gout – A Life Style Disease

Gout is brought on by over indulgence of food and drink, particularly over indulgence in fast food and sugary drinks. Research suggests that the number of cases in the USA doubled from 1977 to 1997, with an estimated six million Americans suffering this painful, debilitating form of arthritis.

Remember, Gout is a disease caused by life style choices and can be prevented. The first way is to simply stop eating what is causing the build up of uric acid. Stop eating foods that lead to being overweight, including red meat, particular in combination with sugary soda. No more fast burgers and over-sized sodas or shakes. “Being overweight is the most important of all the risk factors,” emphasizes Dr. Choi. “Increased fat cell mass increases uric acid production, decreases uric acid excretion and increases risk of metabolic syndrome.” Build up of uric acid leads to the pain and inflammation associated with gout.

Secondly, you can eat cherries or cherry juice, both of which seem to help reduce gout symptoms for some people. But one must be sure to check their cherries with the Live Food Indicator to be sure the cherries you are consuming in fact have retained their rich sources of anthocyanidines and proanthocyanidins. These compounds are flavonoid molecules that give cherries their deep red color, and are remarkable in their ability to prevent not only uric acid build up but prevent collagen destruction. In a nut shell that means these deep red or blue colors found in cherries and other berries are remarkably useful in the treatment of a wide variety of inflammatory conditions, including gout, rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease.

But the cherries and cherry juice must be live or retain the life force or energy force to accomplish its mission of healing these diseases. If your pain does not decline when consuming cherries liberally, then you should check your cherries with the Live Food Indicator today.

For more detailed information please also go here ...

Resources: Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine – by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
Breakthroughs in Natural Healing a Bottom Line Publication 2011

Catherine's Health Info is for information purposes only. Please see your preferred practioner for your health issues.